Cybersecurity Governance

As part of a healthy overall security program, governance provides the integrity guarantees for everything from design to deployment. Casaba has expertise standing up and managing governance programs to ensure compliance and gatekeeping efforts are being met. We work closely with our customers to create robust cybersecurity strategies that ensure the highest level of security, resilience, and compliance. Through strategic planning and tailored solutions, we help companies achieve comprehensive protection against cyber threats and maintain regulatory adherence.

Generative AI Governance

Generative AI governance ensures gates and security guardrails are rigorously enforced.

Threat Modeling

Threat modeling provides a cornerstone best practice to the design and planning of software development.

OT Security Governance

OT (operational technology) security governance includes the framework for managing all of the complex issues facing modern data centers.

Security Development Lifecycle

The cornerstone for shipping security software starts here.

Artificial Intelligence Gatekeeping

At Casaba, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of AI security in a world where novel developments in the field threaten to disrupt industries across the globe. That’s why Casaba has partnered with industry leaders like Microsoft to take a primary role in assuring that the AI based products are developed with security and responsibility in mind. Casaba brings this first-hand expertise to your business, assisting you in developing AI based solutions to your team’s problems. Whether it’s an internal tool or a public facing product, our experienced AI security professionals will help ensure that your AI based product is implemented using industry standard tools and best practices. Our team can help you construct robust pipelines for your product that encompass development, testing, safety mitigations, and deployment, and are uniquely designed to work with your infrastructure.

Threat Modeling

Threat modeling plays a pivotal role in cybersecurity governance for companies, serving as a cornerstone best practice in the design and planning of software development. By systematically identifying potential threats, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors, Casaba’s threat modeling enables customers to proactively assess and address security risks throughout the software development lifecycle. This approach empowers companies to make informed decisions about security controls, prioritize mitigation efforts, and allocate resources effectively. Threat modeling also fosters a culture of security awareness and accountability within the organization, ensuring that cybersecurity considerations are integrated into every aspect of software development. Incorporating threat modeling into cybersecurity governance helps companies build more resilient and secure software solutions, safeguarding against evolving cyber threats and enhancing trust with stakeholders.

Learn more about our Threat Modeling services.

Operational Technology (OT) Security

Cybersecurity governance is paramount for ensuring the security and resilience of corporate and data center operational technology security (OTS), which encompass a wide range of devices and systems crucial for business operations, including HVAC systems, perimeter security controls, building entry systems, and more. Casaba’s OTS governance provides the framework for managing the myriad complex issues that modern companies and data centers face, from securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices to safeguarding critical infrastructure. This includes establishing policies, procedures, and controls to protect OT assets from cyber threats such as unauthorized access, malware attacks, and data breaches. With Casaba's expertise, customers can benefit from continuous monitoring, risk assessment, and compliance with industry standards and regulations to mitigate security risks and ensure operational continuity. By partnering with Casaba for robust cybersecurity governance practices for OTS, companies can enhance their overall security posture, reduce vulnerabilities, and safeguard against potential cyber incidents that could impact business operations and reputation.

Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Shipping software is hard, but its even harder if you don't plan for security in the design, implementation and deployment. By partnering with us you will get on the fast track to standing up an SDL process that works for your company and culture. We work with your executives and key stakeholders to understand your existing development practices and gaps, to then assist you in building out a road map to integrate key elements of the SDL into your own practices. Bringing SDL into your development process will give you the assurance that key measures are being taken to plan for and identify vulnerabilities in your design, code, and infrastructure, so you aren't caught off guard.

Learn more about our SDL services.

Trusted for over 20 years

Our reputation speaks for itself, delivering expertise and quality known throughout the industry, we are the team to call when you want the confidence that your project will be done right.